In Delmonte, we have chosen the Inbound philosophy to develop full-Inbound and data-driven sales & marketing plans for our Customers. Our projects aim to generate new customers and build a valuable relationship with them, enabling those who choose us to grow sustainably and constantly.


What is Inbound Marketing?

HubSpot defines Inbound Marketing as "the practice of attracting visitors and converting them into customers". Inbound Marketing is a strategy for attracting new visitors to a company's digital touchpoints and leading them along all the stages of the Customer Journey, with the aim of converting them into customers and building with them a lasting relationship.

This methodology involves a radical change of perspective: the consumer, with his needs and desires, is at the center of the strategy and of all business operations.

Inbound Marketing with HubSpot

HubSpot is the CRM Suite Platform that we choose to best apply the Inbound methodology: it was the first company to talk about Inbound Marketing and it is the only software able to provide all the tools necessary to manage marketing, sales, and customer service activities.

HubSpot is much more than a CRM: it is a tool that transforms data into valuable insights for marketing & sales activities, with the aim of leading the customer throughout all the stages of the Journey and building the perfect Customer Experience at all times.

HubSpot has created the Flywheel, a model that represents in a simple way how Inbound works. Attract, Engage and Delight are the three phases of the strategy that shows how, by creating a lasting relationship with each customer, Inbound allows the company to grow sustainably.


The first phase of the Inbound methodology aims to attract qualified traffic to company channels. The Attraction phase involves using quality content to find Buyer Personas: articles and web pages, Ads, and content on Social Media.


In this phase, it is essential to convert and engage users acquired during the Attraction phase. The main goal is to take the prospect to the next stage of his journey: to become a real customer. We use tools such as Marketing Automation, Ads, and Lead Magnets to do this.


The Delight phase aims to turn the customer into a Promoter through the realization of premium content, Communities, and the use of surveys and custom offers. Loyal customers, the first driving force behind Flywheel, enable the company to continue to grow.

The activities involved in a full-function Inbound Marketing project

Growth Strategy

The Growth Strategy is the starting point for every Inbound project. From the analysis of existing data, we define clear and attainable goals in accordance with the Customer. The Growth Strategy includes the study of Buyer Persona and Competitor's scenario, the definition of the Communication Guidelines, SEO and Performance analysis, and the definition of the Content Strategy. 

Content Strategy and SEO Optimisation

Content is the heart of Inbound. We define the Content Strategy in the strategic phase with the customer, and then we organise contents into topic clusters. Each cluster is made of a Pillar Page and a variable number of related articles. In addition to the creation of contents in many different languages (Italian, English, German, Spanish, and French), we provide SEO solutions aimed at improving the visibility of the website and its position on search engines through On-Page and Technical Optimization, and Digital PR. 

Conversion Path and Lead Magnet

The definition of the Content Strategy includes specific conversion paths for users (consisting of Landing pages, forms, and Call-to-Actions) and premium contents that the users can view after the release of their personal data.

Digital Advertising and Remarketing

Digital Advertising includes all kinds of advertising actions in the digital channels. We mainly deal with the creation and management of social, display and search advertising campaigns, and also Remarketing campaigns, that only show ads to users who have already viewed a website page, a blog article or an e-commerce product.

Social Management

In addition to ADV campaigns, we offer our Customers constant support in the management of social channels. At first, we establish an editorial calendar in the strategic phase and then we develop different kinds of copy, images, and graphics to promote all the contents defined in the Strategy.

Conversion Rate Optimisation

Conversion Rate Optimisation includes all the activities aimed at improving conversions on the site: from analysing user behaviour to changing web page elements in order to optimize Users' Experience.

HubSpot Setup, Services and Support

As a HubSpot Elite Partner, we want to enable our customers to get the most out of the platform. That's why we offer ongoing support in the use of HubSpot with training sessions and customised consultancy. In addition, for customers who have never used the software before, we provide a customised setup based on their needs.

Lead Scoring and Marketing Automation

Lead scoring allows us to rank potential customers on a value scale, defined through demographic, professional, and behavioural parameters. Thanks to Marketing Automation, we develop workflows and nurturing activities with different goals: establish a relationship with leads and stimulate conversion into a Sales Qualified Lead, make data enrichment on the current contact base or improve the Customer Experience.

KPIs and Reporting

For each Inbound project, we provide reporting on a monthly basis to give visibility of the progress of works. We based all our activities on data, so we can improve the relevant KPIs. For the definition of project goals, we use the OKR methodology: we set quarterly qualitative objectives (Objectives) and identify from 3 to 5 quantitative and measurable Key Results for the achievement of each objective.